Thursday, April 13, 2006

Out-reach resources

I have linked several times to Larry James' blog. You may wonder why I would pay so much attention to a blog about an inner-city ministry in Dallas, TX. I do so because I see it as a success. And, out-reach success is rare. Many of the issues with which Larry wrestles are applicable to a wide range of outreach situations. Today, Larry writes about a foundational philosophy that underlies his work. I especially like his choice of canned corn over human dignity. You can read it here.


Unknown said...

That's great! Maybe you can use your connections to get Larry to come speak at Sunshine.

jamie riley said...

Jason -- I love Larry's post -- and I agree with him totally. I have long believed in the promise of people -- we were all made in God's image, how could you not believe??!!
Thanks for the post and the link.

Jeremy Gregg said...

Thanks for linking to Larry's blog! He's an amazing man... we're blessed to have him in Dallas.