Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A thought from Acts 1

When I was in college, I used to love reading F.F. Bruce. A study group, of which I am a part, has began a study of Acts. In preparation, I pulled an old commentary off the shelf. Here is a little gem I came across:

At Chist's first coming the age to come invaded this present age; at his coming in glory the age to come will have altogether superseded this present age. Between the two comings the two ages overlap; the people of Christ live temporally in this present age while spiritually they belong to the heavenly kingdom and enjoy by anticipation the life of the age to come. F.F. Bruce, The Book of Acts, The New International Commentary on the New Testament.

J. Paul Sampley wrote a book on this concept entitled, Walking Between the Times.

I am fascinated with the idea of living in the overlap of two competing realities. This thinking is very helpful in explaining how we can live in a world that is so negative, and yet live as hopeful, optimistic people.

Do you remember looking at one of those optically challenging pictures, the kind that you can see either two faces or one cup? I used to alternately concentrate on seeing the faces, then the cup, and then back to the faces, etc.

Spiritually, we have the ability to see a different picture of our reality. We can attune to the worldly reality with all its pain and depression. Or, we can see the Holy Spirit still advancing the Kingdom of God, seeking its culmination when Christ will come again and reign- unopposed.

That does not mean we detach ourselves from the happenings of our world, but rather, we seek a source of power, motivation, and direction that transcends this world. I believe the Holy Spirit is still seeking to guide the disciples of Jesus. I do not want to live my life on the basis of my own strength and wisdom when so much more is readily available. That is why I am so motivated to make prayer a regular discipline in my life and seek to share in it with as many as possible.