Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Junior Youth Group Devos

Okay, so I need to make another change to the schedule. The next devo was scheduled for June & Rich Book's house. They needed to reschedule for obvious reasons (we love you, June, and pray you make a quick and painless recovery). So now Jennifer Gampp has come forward to take it on. On Thursday, May 25th, the party....sorry, devo will be at Tim and Jennifer's. (Ha Ha Ha) Same time, from 6:30 to 8pm. She says she is hoping for outdoor activities, so watch the weather and dress for it.

If you need directions, just let me know.

Thank you, TIM & JENNIFER, for stepping up and taking this for me.

There is still a sign-up sheet in the foyer for anyone else that feels moved to host a devo.