Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Shoe Boxes!!

Women’s Connection will meet at the church building on November 18th at 6:00pm to assemble the shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

I am going to show a short dvd of Operation Christmas Child and then we will eat and get to work. Also do not send US stamps in the boxes. I made a mistake in telling everybody this.

I have 2 available spots for Charlotte North Carolina. So let me know ASAP.




Stephanie said...

I am so excited about this, I think it is wonderful to give to people, especially children.
My brain isn't working right now.....if I were going to get "something" to put one of in each box, how many would I need? What is the total number of boxes we are trying to have done? any guesses?
Forgive me if you already answered this during the meeting and I missed it.

Jennifer said...


There isn't a set number of boxes we need to do. You can do as many or as few boxes as you want. I heard Candi say that you can go out and buy a big bag of just toothpaste (for example) and then bring it to our gathering and we'll sort it all out into the shoeboxes when you get there.

Basically, just go out and buy stuff that's on the list and bring a boat load of empty shoe boxes if you can round them up. I have none. I buy shoes like once or twice a year and throw the box away. *gasp* I'll know to keep them now, for future trips to N. Carolina!
