Monday, February 23, 2015

Walking Between the Times by J. Paul Sampley

Two times frame Paul's thought world or symbolic universe.  One is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which marks the origin of the new life of faith.  The other is Christ's return, or Parousia, which will signal the culmination of God's purposes with the world.  Paul is concerned with how believers behave, or walk, between these two times.

Paul is convinced that the new aeon has begun to break into the middle of the old aeon in a decisive way in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection.  The new creation has begun (2 Cor. 5:17).  The present form of this world is already passing away (1 Cor. 7:31).

My attempt to visually depict how the two times relate to one another


Anonymous said...

I am amazed that you have come to this view or at least are trying to clarify it? No question for me and came to the conclusion in the mid to late 90's