Friday, May 21, 2010

---round and round---

I lifted this quote from Mike Cope's blog ----

“I’ve heard stories of Catholics being saved from ritualism by becoming Pentecostal, Pentecostals being saved from emotionalism by becoming Presbyterian, Presbyterians being saved from rationalism by becoming Eastern Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox being saved from clericalism by becoming Baptist, and Baptists being saved from historical amnesia by becoming Catholic or Orthodox. Simple churches save people from complexity, and complex churches save people from simplicity. Political churches save people from an overly personal religiosity, and personal churches save people from an overly politicized religiosity. Exciting churches save people from boredom, and quiet churches save people from hoopla and hype. Around and around the cycle goes.”Brian McLaren


I can so very much relate to what is expressed by McLaren. I love my religious heritage. I enjoy learning more about Stone-Campbell history and especially enjoy teaching it. There is no where I would rather be than in fellowship with Churches of Christ.

However, in my quest to uncover a pure and precise understanding of Christianity, I have been forced to appreciate that the human experience is quite complicated. Finding a particular group of Christians that practice "pure" Christianity, is as likely as finding a person who is purely human. We need each other. We have much to learn for one another. My hope for Churches of Christ is that we will continue to cling to the best of our heritage while courageously embracing good things beyond our borders.

--I emphasized "continue" because this has been happening within our brotherhood for a long time. A passion for unity among Christians is alive and well among us.


Eric said...

Nice quote from McLaren... it seems to explain a lot. I glanced through a book of his earlier in the week.