Monday, March 27, 2006

Prayers needed

As many of you know, my Dad had his friend, Steve Mullins, put in the bulletin for prayer dealing with losing his battle with cancer and for his soul. Today, Steve passed away at about 3pm in Ashland. I don't know where his heart was, only God knows that but, I know where our prayers need to be now.....with his family and friends. His father, Charles, just passed away a hand full of months ago. The Mullins family needs prayers of love for peace in their hearts.


jamie riley said...

Thanks for keeping us informed on this - we'll keep the Mullins family before the Lord.

Scotty G said...

Terry stopped by my office on his way up to visit Steve. He was actually there when Steve passed on. I'll be praying for the family. I went to school with Steve's sisters.

Stephanie said...

Services are: viewing is from 5-8pm tonight (Wednesday) and for one hour before the funeral which is at 1pm Thursday at Brant in Sciotoville.