Monday, March 27, 2006

Dewey mentioned tonight that we should get together next Monday for the Men's College Basketball Championship game down at Campus Ministry. We thought get together for a devotional and pizza at about 7:00pm and the game starts at 9:00 pm. Of course there is always ping pong, pool and air hockey to keep you busy if you are not interested in the basketball game. Let me know if there is any interest to do this. Who knows we may get to see George Mason pull this off!!!


Unknown said...

Count me in!

jamie riley said...

Hey Aaron, thanks for coming up with a great fellowship opportunity. This place is an awesome place for us to get together.
Anyway, I'm working on being here myself!

BTW -- You guys all know I picked George Mason from the begining don't you!? Yeah Right...

Scotty G said...

I'll bring the dish!