Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Quick Notes

It is great to see such a wide range of participation in the past few days. I hope that as you are reading this blog, you are also taking time to read some others as well. I keep a list of about 10 blogs in my favorites. I check them regularly. It is a very good way to keep in touch with happenings that are important to you.

In CofC news: 2006 is the year many are seeking to undo what was done in 1906. This year's ACU Lectureship and Tulsa Workshop has run the theme of Unity. Both events are calling for a greater acceptance and fellowship with our Christian Church counterparts. Bob Russell, minister of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY, has been featured at both events. For a synopsis of what's going on, you can read this article in the Christian Chronicle:

100 years after split, unity events bring praise, concern

The Christian Chronicle has several articles addressing the ramifications of the proposed unity. Here are two more:

1906 - 2006: 100 years later, can we converse across the keyboard?

ACU lectures promote ‘spirit of fellowship’

The Christian Chronicle is a good source of updated information about significant events that specifically involve our fellowship.


aaronkallner said...

Interesting reading

Unknown said...

I am glad you took the opportunity to listen. I am still waiting for my turn with the circulating CDs.