Monday, March 09, 2009

Today's News

** Loren Hardin said to me the other day, "God has no grandchildren!" We were having a pithy quote contest, he won.

** Experimental Theology has posted a video explaining much about our current economic crisis. You might check it out if your interested in deepening your understanding of current events.

** Mike Cope has announced his resignation from the Highland CofC to join Landon Saunders and Heartbeat. This might not mean much to you but it jolts me emotionally. For me, all roads have led to Landon Saunders. My first exposure came by way of our mutual friend, David Lewis. I would say that much of what people so admired in David was a result of his emulation of Landon's approach to ministry. Landon's "Lectures on Preaching" have had a profound effect on many, many leaders in our brotherhood circles (no doubt, outside the circle as well). I believe in modern-day prophets. I'm not suggesting that there are folks being inspired with new scriptures or making ax-heads float, I simply mean that there are those who God is using to get our collective eye back on the ball. Landon is one such prophet. May God bless Mike and Landon. Mike must be experiencing some kind of wonderful anxiety. I can't help but think of Elijah and Elisha.

Please--follow this link- Heartbeat - and listen to Landon's announcement, not only about Mike, but what else is planned, and tell me if your thinking what I'm thinking...


Anonymous said...

This is awesome news! Thanks for posting about it and bringing it to our attention. The potential in this for all of us is great...I really like the idea of Heartbeat having small groups.